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Quiz Name: As Dry As A Dead Dingo’s Donger Cup Final

Results For: Test

Score: 0

Q1: Adelaide United coach Carl Veart played for Sheffield United, Crystal Palace and which other English club
     [X] GUESSED:

Q2: Forfar Athletic last won the Forfarshire Cup for which season
     [X] GUESSED:

Q3: In 2008 two former players were inducted into the Clydebank Hall of Fame, Davie Cooper and who else
     [X] GUESSED:

Q4: After Grasshoppers Zürich and FC Basel which team has won most Swiss League titles
     [X] GUESSED:

Q5: Three times a side has remained undefeated in a Thai League 1 season. Buriram United, twice and another
     [X] GUESSED:

Q6: Where is Robert the Bruce’s heart is buried where
     [X] GUESSED:

Q7: Traditional Scottish Tablet comprises condensed milk, caster sugar, butter and what
     [X] GUESSED:

Q8: Who played Marian to Sean Connery’s Robin in the 1978 film Robin and Marian
     [X] GUESSED:

Q9: McCowan’s Highland Toffee used to be made in
     [X] GUESSED:

Q10: What is the distance from Bangkok to Bern
     [X] GUESSED:

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