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Quiz Name: Animal Quiz Round One

Results For: die hard doonhamer

Score: 50

Q1: Grey Goose Vodka is produced where
     [X] GUESSED: Germany

Q2: Which Smiths Album went to number one
     [X] GUESSED: The Queen Is Dead

Q3: Which English Club have won most English play off finals
     [X] GUESSED: Swindon

Q4: Bowman's capsule can be found in which organ

Q5: The capital of Moldova is
     [X] GUESSED: Tblisi

Q6: Severus Snape is the head of which house

Q7: Scottish economist Adam Smith was born where

Q8: Coronation Street - Alan Bradley was killed by a

Q9: Who was the first unseeded man to win Wimbledon
     [X] GUESSED: Ivanisavic

Q10: What type of dog is Scooby Doo

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