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Quiz Your Friends - Friend's Results
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Quiz Name: Christmas Quiz

Results For: Leeds saint

Score: 30

Q1: Who is the oldest cast member of the 6 regulars on the TV show Friends? ( Tynie may have been wrong with the answer he gave for a previous quiz)
     [X] GUESSED: Courtney Cox

Q2: What is the total number of gifts received in the 12 days of Christmas song?
     [X] GUESSED: 78

Q3: Chris Kamara (born on Christmas Day) scored how many goals in his career?
     [X] GUESSED: 51

Q4: In the first Home Alone film how old is Kevin?
     [X] GUESSED: 12

Q5: Which UK city is the only one to appear in a UK Christmas number 1?

Q6: How many X Factor winners have had a Christmas number 1?

Q7: James Brown died on Christmas Day in what year?

Q8: FC Santa Claus (Finland) have played 22 league games this season. How many goals have they conceded?
     [X] GUESSED: 82

Q9: How many UK Christmas number 1's have the word Christmas in the title?(Xmas counts)
     [X] GUESSED: 9

Q10: Who was the first poster to post on the quiz thread on Christmas Day 2018?(UK time)
     [X] GUESSED: Bully Wee Villa

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