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Results For: Alan G

Score: 0

Q1: What was Tom Jones 1st number one single
     [X] GUESSED:

Q2: In Flower of Scotland, which Edward is being sent home to think again
     [X] GUESSED:

Q3: What is added to a croque monsieur to make a croque madam
     [X] GUESSED:

Q4: How many times has Ireland won the Eurovision Song Contest
     [X] GUESSED:

Q5: Which team are known as the bianconeri
     [X] GUESSED:

Q6: When was the Metropolitan Police formed
     [X] GUESSED:

Q7: Which fast food chain is making a clothing range with Primark
     [X] GUESSED:

Q8: Who play the Rams in Sunday's Superbowl
     [X] GUESSED:

Q9: John Williams was 90 this week. How many Oscar nominations has he achieved
     [X] GUESSED:

Q10: Ned Dennis appears in which Dicken's novel
     [X] GUESSED:

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