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Quiz Name: Hologram's Final Hurdle

Results For: 101

Score: 0

Q1: Which question in Thursday's daily quiz had no correct answer
     [X] GUESSED:

Q2: Who first described the psychological theory if human attachment
     [X] GUESSED:

Q3: When did the play The Mousetrap open in London
     [X] GUESSED:

Q4: Who had the shortest interim manager role at the now deceased Glasgow Rangers
     [X] GUESSED:

Q5: what is the length of the Mississippi river
     [X] GUESSED:

Q6: what is Lady Gaga's surname
     [X] GUESSED:

Q7: Who is Scotlands's new Makar
     [X] GUESSED:

Q8: how many games did Cameron Norrie win from 1st round to final of Indian Wells tournament
     [X] GUESSED:

Q9: What was the first book in the Famous Five series
     [X] GUESSED:

Q10: who won best due at the Country Music Awards 2021
     [X] GUESSED:

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