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Quiz Name: P&B cup extravaganza Rd 1

Results For: Jamesp_81

Score: 0

Q1: Who won the Australian NRL in 2019
     [X] GUESSED:

Q2: Who is Australia's minister for finance?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q3: What is a traditional Japanese Inn called?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q4: Before Tokyo what was the capital of Japan?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q5: In which region of Japan would you find the city of Sendai?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q6: What element in the periodic table has the atomic number 116?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q7: Who won top goalscorer in the NNL in 2020?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q8: What Disney film is the song 'you'll be in my heart' from?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q9: What Disney movie would you fine the lyrics "we'll meet beyond the shore, we'll kiss just like before"?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q10: In Snow White, only one of the dwarfs doesn't have a beard - which one?
     [X] GUESSED:

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