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Quiz Name: P&B Quiz

Results For: deej

Score: 60

Q1: Who was the lead singer in Thin Lizzy
     [X] GUESSED: Brian Downey

Q2: The flag of Dublin features how many burning castles

Q3: A northern male cardinal is what colour(s)

Q4: Wales elects how many MPs?

Q5: What major city stands on the Isar river?

Q6: Which sea has no land borders
     [X] GUESSED: Irminger Sea

Q7: A modern Monk Shoe uses what fasteners

Q8: Which female philosopher was killed by a Christian mob in 415 AD?
     [X] GUESSED: Aedesia of Alexandria

Q9: What sport is played on a court called a fronton?
     [X] GUESSED: Xare

Q10: Which King founded Eton

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