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Quiz Name: P&B Quiz Semi Final

Results For: SlipperyP

Score: 70

Q1: Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, holds what Vatican record
     [X] GUESSED: First Cardinal from the Central African Republic

Q2: The Central African Republic is bordered by which country to it's East.

Q3: South Sudan's flag features how many colours

Q4: Which country's flag features a Nutmeg

Q5: Which of the following is not a town or city in Granada?
     [X] GUESSED: Industry

Q6: How many sides does an icosagon have?
     [X] GUESSED: 25

Q7: Which Russian punk band were jailed for two years in Aug 2012 for their anti-Putin protest?

Q8: Which South African golfer is known as 'The Big Easy'?

Q9: One and a half litres of champagne is known as a what?

Q10: Who has managed the Scottish mens national football team for the longest period?

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