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Quiz Name: P&B Quiz round 2

Results For: Alang1993

Score: 30

Q1: Who first presented Room 101 on 5Live
     [X] GUESSED: Paul Merton

Q2: Nick Hancock left the public eye to join which Profession

Q3: Which is the largest state in Australia
     [X] GUESSED: Northern Territory

Q4: Who was the first Prime Minister of Australia
     [X] GUESSED: Joseph Cook

Q5: Which Channel Island is the only not to have the George Cross on its flag
     [X] GUESSED: Herm

Q6: Scotland accounts for what percentage of the total area of the UK

Q7: Karina Canellakis this year became the first woman to open what event?

Q8: The Blackpool Illuminations run for how many days each year?
     [X] GUESSED: 33

Q9: The Football Act 1424, ruled what?
     [X] GUESSED: Football could not be played on public land

Q10: How many senior Scottish football clubs played in the 18/19 season
     [X] GUESSED: 42

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