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Quiz Results

Quiz Your Friends - Friend's Results
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Quiz Name: The team quiz

Results For: Eednud

Score: 70

Q1: Aileen Campbell is the MP for where

Q2: The Navicular Bone can be found where

Q3: US Masters, who won the first one (fore)
     [X] GUESSED: Gene Sarazen

Q4: Star Trek - Who played Commander Riker

Q5: The Angel Falls are where

Q6: Roy Orbison had his first UK number one with...
     [X] GUESSED: Pretty Women

Q7: Who is youngest player to make the final of all 4 slam events
     [X] GUESSED: Rafa Nadal

Q8: Who wrote Gullivers Travels

Q9: Port Moresby is the capital of where

Q10: Which club plays at Albyn Park

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