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Quiz Name: Do you REALLY know Basil?

Results For: goggles

Score: 70

Q1: Easy one; who is Basil's most well known Nicheling?

Q2: What era did I take place in creating?

Q3: I've only done one playthrough. It was called ____?

Q4: I've created a challenge, too. It is called ____?

Q5: Harder one- What is my Favorite Color? 😉
     [X] GUESSED: All of the Above

Q6: How many cats do I have?
     [X] GUESSED: 2

Q7: Dragon Tear isn't my only Nicheling. Which of the following is one of my other Nichelings?

Q8: Follow up to the last question- Daze is the Deity of ____.

Q9: Super hard one. What was my FIRST ever post on the forums?
     [X] GUESSED: Island selection screen/option screen invisible bug

Q10: Okay you guys should know this one; what tragedy happened to me last year?

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