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Quiz Name: Stepek Cup Semi - thank god

Results For: Tapas bar six

Score: 50

Q1: The father of economics Adam Smith was born where...

Q2: Tour de France - Robert Millar king of the mountains when...
     [X] GUESSED: 1986

Q3: Which of these was not a beach landed on at D-Day...
     [X] GUESSED: Juno

Q4: Scooby-Doo, what is Daphne's surname...

Q5: What is the capital of Ghana...
     [X] GUESSED: Libreville

Q6: It's 2009/10 who was top scorer in Serie A...
     [X] GUESSED: Totti

Q7: If you're born on May 29 what would be your star sign...

Q8: The stapes can be found where...

Q9: Capellini is a type of what...
     [X] GUESSED: Bread

Q10: The 20th president of the USA was...

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