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Quiz Your Friends - Friend's Results
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Quiz Name: You know this fighting freak who isn't knuckles?

Results For: Toadytoady

Score: 10

Q1: Whas my fav colouor doods?
     [X] GUESSED: Geen

Q2: Wich is my fav caracter????

Q3: Oh fuuuuu where did i pout it????
     [X] GUESSED: I forgot what I was going to put here...

Q4: Don't pick answer B, Pick answer C instead
     [X] GUESSED: I trust you don't do this to me.

Q5: Do I like you?
     [X] GUESSED: No way

Q6: What is my favorite favorite?
     [X] GUESSED: You sir are racist

Q7: What is my favorite music?
     [X] GUESSED: The birds and bees

Q8: Am I just the greatest
     [X] GUESSED: no

Q9: Why do I keep seeing those yellow question marks as the Yellow Devil from Megaman???
     [X] GUESSED: Cow udder

Q10: Am I good at making quizzes?
     [X] GUESSED: Don't click this one

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