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Quiz Name: Pie & Bovril Quiz Week 2

Results For: DublinMagyar

Score: 80

Q1: Alexander the Great was a pupil of which famous philosopher?

Q2: "The Thrill Of It All" is a number one album by which performer(s)?

Q3: The Drayton Triangles were a team during the early years of which North American sporting league?

Q4: America Ferrera plays the title role in which show?

Q5: Bangui is the capital of which country?

Q6: Whorl directed "Seven Samurai"?

Q7: What was Robert Burns' father's occupation?

Q8: The patella is better known by what name?

Q9: In which year did construction of the Berlin Wall begin?

Q10: The reigning French President also has what title?
     [X] GUESSED: Knight of the Order of the Maltese Cross

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