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Quiz Name: Skylanders

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Q1: What was the original prototype for Camo named?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q2: Which of these villains is not a playable character in Trap Team?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q3: How many variant Skylanders are there for Superchargers?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q4: Which of these Skylanders does not have a Legendary variant?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q5: In Superchargers, which terrain has the least amount of vehicles?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q6: Who does Patrick Warburton voice in the series?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q7: Which of these characters was not planned to be an Amiibo guest star in Superchargers?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q8: Kaos is mentioned in the backstories of which Skylander?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q9: Which of these Spyro characters does not return in Skylanders?
     [X] GUESSED:

Q10: What's the perfect way to end this quiz?
     [X] GUESSED:

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